The Bible teaches us that one cannot serve two masters.
In my case I have been trying to serve 5 when I should be serving only two .
From the hour I gained ownership of LexiBelle in 1978, to now , I have been to often doing all of those things to support what LexiBelle represents, rather than serving and supporting LexiBelle, and putting green in my jeans and LexiBelle looks all the worst for it.
Giving service to SAMCRO, or any of SAMCRO’s subsidiaries, or the UAITA, the reason I got into those others was and remains , to enhance LexiBelle ad/or Dixie Toewing. But as I said one can’t serve more than one master . I have allowed time to warp past me to the point, I need to consider, do I stay in the business? Or do I just restore, LexiBelle, for my own needs and such, and fly for AyreWolf Aviation and forget about going toewing as a profession and/or vocation?
There was once a time, on America’s highways, where just a toew truck, was all that was needed. Cars, light trucks and such, were made of steel. You could toew most of them if not all of them with what we call a sling, and or a combination of sling and dollies, and be good. Rollbacks, Carriers, etc were not heard of, if used at all. Wheel-lifts were not even considered.
Then came the age of the gas crunches, vehicle manufacturers were making cars etc out of composite materials, not all steel, added to that all wheel drives etc. So toew equipment manufactures started making rigs that could haul, not just snag and grab . Today if your in toewing, you just about need a rollback. While not yet required in Idaho or Utah’s equipment regulations, they soon will be. Yes many rides can still be snagged and dragged the old fashion way, without damage or at least further damage than they already have after a wreck. But all too many will bend up like a pretzel if you grab with a sling.
The first time I ever really saw a wheel-lift was in Mountain Home Idaho. A company there had a newer rig with what was called a Cradle Snatcher. Made by a company called Vulcan. The Cradle Snatcher was made with a T bar attached to a short boom at the top, two elastic belts on each side with a webbing at the bottom that cradled the car etc, for toewing. For those in the know that design went out of style, when Century a cousin to Holmes, that is now owned by Miller Industries, started building a lower approach or as we in toewing call it, lower attack posture units.
Of course over the years the flat bed came into popularity. Later better designs, and so on, to where flatbeds became Rollbacks, that now is called Carriers. Even so a bar style wheel lift or stinger is on most carriers.
For me, if I’m going to stay in toewing for a real operation, to generate money for myself, I have not just desire, but have to invest in a good used carrier. Likewise invest and retro fit LexiBelle with a stinger or wheel lift.
The concept scares the crap out of me. But its not a challenge I can’t handle. Just more expense.
The old boy that sold me LexiBelle back in 1978, said he could see me in the 21st Century, dragging the space shuttle around in space with a starship and a Holmes 500.
Of course in reality, the space shuttle, and the Holmes 500, are now defunct. Operator Certification is now required of anyone wanting on law enforcement call out(rotation) lists in all states except Idaho.
The days of rolling up to someone on the big road after they slid off the highway during a snow storm etc are gone. Likewise patrolling the super slab looking for breakdowns or slide offs is not only frowned on by law enforcement and other toewers, but illegal . Yet many still do it. Even in Idaho. The term used in the business is scaving, Short for scavenging.
So with that in mind and the ever increasing changes in the business of toewing, if your in it, you have to be in it. Not casually but jump in with not only both feet, but your whole body, mind and yes soul.
If not, its best to graciously bow out, and go do something else.
For me, I plan on going toewing for a long time to come, so much of what I do for SAMCRO, including both the Knytes as well as the AyreWolvez will be less than it used to be.
Like I said , One Cannot Serve Two Masters.
L8R Ya’ll
John 14:6“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |