08 December 2011

Can you afford to work any more?


Independent thinking and living , from off the Feds, is not only over rated, its impossible.

Dig this friends, Cuzzin Bud gave me a double L , on the Sunday this is being carved out, to tell me that SSI is going to deduct a small amount from my SSI checks.

Normally telling SSI to stick it, would not be a problem if , and only IF this tater truckin job, was year long. Hell that’d be a groove, but it ain’t , so since the tater truckin job is a temp job, and SSI is my safety net the rest of the year, I had to say adios to the tater truckin job. My other associated job with Charley, is through a partnership, in that I’m a private contractor, rather than a regular salaried employee. Thus, SSI don’t know, so I gets my dough.

Then I looked at my last pay check from AMStuffing, do ya’ll realize just under $35.00 was taken out of my earnings just for taxes and crap. Hell I worked for it, why not allow ME to decide what to pay in taxes, if I felt the need. Which I don’t. Why should I subsidize all these wetbacks and all when 80% of em  ain’t Americans or at least red blooded born in the UCSA ? When I have lost the ability to salute the American flag or sing the Union national anthem, but rather salute our rebel battle flag and sing the Dixie National anthem, why would I give $35.00 from work from my sweat to the USA?

The bottom line, although promised $9.00 per hour, I’m really making a little over $6.00 per hour. I’m spending more going to work than I’m making so I bagged it.

When I do $100.00 worth of business on my own, I keep $75.00. The rest is split between sales tax, operating expenses, and Charley at A1. But my blood sweat and gears are earned and kept by ME. Course I always contribute to SAMCRO of $30.00 , each toew or fix it job, but its my choosing, not the Man telling me I have to.

So ya’ll say , “ So what is supposed to support my SSI payments as well as all others? What supports our military etc? How about a flat domestic sales tax? Across the board. A Federal Sales Tax. Then when someone buys something we ALL pay for domestic programs, including the things under what is called entitlements like SSI.

How would this be a better system, because A; it means everyone pays, every time we buy something. More people would have more money to spend and that means the generation of more tax money. Not just a select few that were born with a golden spoon in their mouths, rather than the lead one I have to eat with any more.

Of course more savings can be had by our Federal Union government. Like giving priority to people born on our shores and heartlands. Getting people in Yankee federal jobs that SPEAK AMERICAN ENGLISH, not Hispanic , or such. Cut down all the bureaus and Yankee federal agencies, offices that do nothing, but we pay for. Simplify registering for things, with a person in the west or south. If the BP oil spill , and Katrina taught us anything, in a national disaster, the FEMA and other Fed revenuers, have no idea of what to do, or deploy resources.. So why have FEMA, etc? I say , let the local communities have their own resources from the people that live there , or here. Hong Kong phooey having Congress grant money to just none profit organizations, how about real grants to people wanting to start their own business’s? Not SBA or low cost loans, but GRANTS. In essence, the feds could excersize some philanthropic efforts rather than just , albeit I’m thankful for it, but something other than welfare, Medicaid or SSI. Give Americans the ability to do their own thing. Give us who want to start our own enterprizes the ability to do so, rather than cut us off at the heels b4 we even get out off the tarmac?

So I ask, Can you AFFORD to go to work?

My answer is no.

L8R Ya’ll

ayretag2  bst LexiBelle 

ayre end