31 December 2011
Better training needed
09 December 2011
Cooter’s Place
So there I twuzz sittin in this choke and gag, here in Heyburn, trying to eat something that these days is somewhat a challenge being as I have a lower tooth on the edge of coming out, yet is so entrenched in gum tissue and me with blood so thin it flows like Uncle Jessie’s finest, that if I ripped it out specially in public that I’d bleed like an LDS virgin( If you find one, I’ll buy ya’ll a root beer), and so this really sweet thing struts on by, and her britches were so tight if she fluffed, {remember women do not fart they fluff,}that she’d rip those Wranglers open faster than the Colorado rips open Glenn Canyon. So I thought that if I did the wyld wolf sniff at her tail, like all good wolves do to their intended conquest b4 they get it on, if she’d slap me ? Or would she take it as a well needed greeting to meeting? Would her tail smell sweet as roses or like well manure? Since all are being tribal and jungleistic why not see if the babe your drooling over is fresh, or not going to get interested? Makes as much sense as this TV ad for Trojan vibrators, where this gal is at a bridal shower with her friends and the three friends give her this mechanical penus and their hair is swept back like they has too much Groom & Cleen in their hair. Then at the end of the ad the gal is talking to her new hubby, and he’s thrilled . Over a vibrator? Hey dude, I would not be thrilled at such since, that vibrator means, ya’ll ain’t gettin it done and she's replacing you with that critter.
So that’s it.
More l8r
Quote of the day:
When a man plays a woman in a dress, you're halfway there. It's inherently funny. When a woman plays a man, for whatever reason, it's not that instant kind of funny. - Tina Fey
Deuteronomy 18:15“The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
I going to go treat my arthritis.
Success is not Achieved in a vacuum
B4 I get into my rant here , I want to make this as clear as Uncle Jessie’s Shine. Since it came up last night at a truck stop.
The basic premise to us having great looking gals in print for our ads for the club, or on TV for the club, or anything else, is not so that I get to have some kind of love connection.
If I need physical contact with a lady, and I cain’t find her in the normal way, a quick trip to Wells Nevada to Miss Donna’s Ranch, a few hundred bucks put on the table and its done, without all the fuss.
We put ladies on video and in print in nice threads , and I think , most of the time in good taste. Not to be sex toys. So people get that out of your heads.
Now then;
It was best said by Casey Kasum on his last airing of AT-40, Success is not achieved in a vacuum, true success only is achieved by the people you work with and the people you work for. In our case, the brotherhood of all of SAMCRO MC, the Knytes-of-Anarchy , Hazzard-County Knytes, and of course the Hazzard-County AyreWolvez, I have been not only lucky , but blessed to work with and work for only the best.
When it comes to towing, I learned the craft and skills from the very best in the business. Likewise I have worked for the very best in the business.
When it comes to radio, again I have worked for and with the best , from Big Kelly at KEZJ(KEEP) in Twin Falls, to Country Joe from KSOP 104.3 Salt Lake City, as well as at station KFI out of Los Angeles California, where I got to intern with Robert Smith, who many of you know as WolfMan Jack, which is where I picked up my on air handle, AyreWolf.
I have hired the best in the business too. From Robin Whittaker formerly of Minidoka Idaho, Miss Dixie Diesel 1993, to our Nurse GoodBody Ellie May, their involvement can’t be replaced by or with any amount of money, they made Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio now part of HazzardAyre Radio, what it was and what it is.
HazzardAyre is going to be hiring more people in the coming months as our TV cable network goes on up to satellite uplink, that you’ll see on Cable-One channel 5, more over HazzardAyre Radio’s program, Highway Hooker Radio the only show on radio for those like me who tow goes on Sirius / XM , on the Open Road Channel, as well as here in our area over KDXB FM 105.3.
We’ll be looking for on air people of both genders, but will favor lady radio personalities since ya’ll tell us, that’s what you like.
We’ll need ad sales people too, with a better than best base pay, of $20.00 an hour plus 20% commission on sales. Not bad huh?
Beyond the money though, its pride in ones profession or in my case professions, that make it to where I love to get up each day and head out on the truck, or bury myself in the radio studio.
I truly love what I do, and yes ya’ll for putting up with me these 31 years or better.
In 1977, the idea of a truckers only or mostly radio station was considered stupid. Most of those I trusted said it’ll never work, I must be crazy. However, Ricky Lemmons of Twin Falls, Alan Culbertson Junior of Hagerman, Ron Adams of Bliss, believed. We found radio gear albeit used, but worked. We started as a outlaw station in the basement of my house near Hagerman(aka-Hazzard) Idaho, with 100 watts, a hidden antenna and a desire, to be thee voice of the American Trucker. We made it happen, and happen it has and continues to do so. With 20 stations both AM and FM airing our programs via syndication and all we grew.
Likewise just like the radio gig, the towing service of mine was created with one truck, that even then had a 1,000 miles on it. While the name of my tow service has changed a few times, to satisfy where I was based. Still what now hails as Dixie Toewing(mis-spelled on purpose) which by years end will run as CooTer’s Toewing, has been owned by and ran by the same person, me. No merges, no bull, just honest service done at rates folks can afford.
All in all, I couldn’t have gotten where I’m at had it not been for my Bro’s and Sis’s in SAMCRO MC, nor my staff.
Yes I fell a few times due to love stupidity and family deaths, yet over time always pulled out of it, again due to the kindness of and brotherhood of SAMCRO MC and all that makes that up.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the day:
The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it's just sort of a tired feeling. - Paula Poundstone
John 15:5,8““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Sign in my ass
It never fails to amaze me to the extent some outfits go to preserve online whatever. Example, there’s this business service called Manta, that sends me email newsletters on how to do my job better. Okay but they only jot down the headlines not the entire story. To get that ya’ll go sign in. Chute as many of those I get into I forget the password I created to start getting the rubbish, to begin with. Hong Kong Phooey, I want to read the content. If I wanted to be checked over, I go down and get a D-O-T inspection at the chicken coop, over yonder on I-84. Then folks wonder why this nation is slipping into the manure pile. Dang it we have gotten to spooked and paranoid over everything, that if someone barks, most pee down both legs.
One way to chase off some one online reading your whatever, is to make em put down their pedigree b4 they even get to read it. Likewise so will those advertisers buying banner ads on your site. In fact most of them will run like a moonrunner being chased by revenuers.
If your readership goes a bit low, so will the advertisers, their message ain’t seen and no ads.
One thing that HazzardAyre and HellBilly Trucker has ever done is hide behind a bunch of protocol just so ya’ll can read our news and blogs, both printed and on line.
Course few of anything printed or online matches HazzardAyre/HellBilly Trucker.
So I say to the complicated web sites that make me sign in all the time, Sign in my Ass !
Okay then. Many of ya’ll wanted to know wuzz up with things, so I’ll deliver.
First there wuzz a slight shake up of the Knytes. Just after Halloween the clubs officers got into our huddle and decided along with the blessings of SAMCRO, MC to make the Knytes-of-Anarchy a regional group, and make the Hazzard-County Knytes the original handle of the club, the Idaho Charter. This was in response to the stealth op of the movie, by the same handle as our publication HazzardAyre. The concept of the movie being co-produced by James Best(Sheriff Roscoe) and his film company here, is a drama looking at the history of both HazzardAyre Radio as well as the Hazzard-County Knytes, that coincidently began right here in Mini Cassia Idaho when I purchased a fair redoux of ye ole Gen. Lee, in 1981.
So the idea was instead of the revision of our Knytes-of-Anarchy handle that many immediately point to as a biker group, rather than the rat rod OTR(Over,the,Road) truckers club we are, keeping in tradition at least for the movie was important. Once we started, I remember sitting one evening guzzling a barley pop with this sweetheart by the name of Mirinda over yonder in Gooding, she told me then swapping out the Hazzard County Knytes for the Knytes-of-Anarchy was a mistake. She was right, as such membership dropped. So again smarter minds have prevailed, the Knytes-of-Anarchy becomes the Mountain West region charter of SAMCRO MC, and the Hazzard-County Knytes becomes the Idaho sub charter. By the highway Mirinda is the only female voting member ever of the Hazzard-County Knytes. She earned that honor. Most women in the club are part of the auxiliary of the Hazzard-County Knytes and are called ; the Hazzard-County Knytes, Pink Ladies. Not Mirinda, she earned her honor in the club, in showing a freshly discharged Marine some kindness during a very difficult time. That kind of thing is what sets Hazzard-County Knytes members apart from the many want to be’s.
More L8R and Friday morning.
Good numbers to ya’ll
Quote of the day:
We are an impossibility in an impossible universe. - Ray Bradbury
John 15:5,8““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Being a path breaker pioneer can be a hard life.
Being one that breaks the path. Or is a pioneer can be a hard life. Fact is it is downright hell.
If it has not been done b4, bet your next set of 22.5 Firestone’s that you’ll catch more than a clown swallering manure at a rodeo.
Be that as it may. Any time I hear something that I sqwaked about on air or in HazzardAyre that everyone that said nah ain’t so, finds out that what I howl about is right on the money.
When I said that electing Obama President was a mistake, and that folks at least in my region get behind the Confederate Party, I was told I was racist, slave master and words that I will not repeat. But what has happened? We have a President and a yankee Union government that is way out of control. Maybe getting folks looking at the United Confederate States Party , is the road to travel. Put some Dixie smarts in Washington, rather than continue to hear yankee lies.
Then there is radio. Radio was my hobby, for many years b4 I began making it my second job, no that’s wrong, radio is not a job its a career and a loved profession.
However in my area , controlled so much by religious conservatives, Hey this is Idaho, figure out what religious majority rules here. But when I got on air, I put out programming that pulled the plug on the , you can’t put that on the air, to people saying , its about damn time that was heard here.
My style of radio is between WolfMan Jack and Howard Stern, mixed with some Doctor Demento and flavored with Hazzard County and ya’ll get the idea.
We started doing things that folks who owned other radio stations would not or thought not to put on their stations. Yet we did.
When I caught Dr. Ruth on skip from California, I got the inside intel and put her on our station , solid hit, few have tried to do that, same goes with Sex With Sue(www.sexwithsue.com) however, many other shows that were part of both NBC radio, like the ancient TalkNet we ran. Of course copycatters had to put it on their station . Putting man and woman on air here was thought as me just wanting to get a babe in the studio to get a bit of wyld something. Yet from Kristy on the Bob & Tom Show, to many drive time shows, ya’ll hear both local and nationally imported shows doing a gal and guy in the mornings. But damn it we did it first.
Then came us with our network. Back in what now? Chute , 1992 or so I went up to a tiny station in Price Utah, bribed a stations program manager to let me try something. Our shop had just opened up there, so the show was called Dixie Diesel Radio, named after our shop the Dixie Diesel Shop, the first, all truck big rig and smaller diesel performance shop. People thought I was nuts doing that too. Who is laughing now? With 8 shops in 4 Mountain West States, guess we wasn’t so damn dumb after all.
At the time there was a national network called the Interstate Radio Network, a syndicated otr(over the Road) trucker radio network, when it went belly up due to stupidity, we as a group bought the remains of IRN, bought the hole on Galaxy 5, cranked up a few of our own stations here in the Mountain West, and in 1994 the full fueled Dixie Diesel Radio Network and good old Dixie Diesel came on air and nobody here is looking back in fact our overnight haul here is still Dixie-Diesel/HazzardAyre Radio.
To me doing radio to keep those pulling and delivering America is so damn important. Sure there are those that say they support the industry but how dedicated to it are they? As for me diesel flows through my veins , and although both of mine are baby trucks , still both are licensed and insured commercial tow trucks and so as it goes I truck, days and evenings and when not on air I go tow. Nuff said there.
But I’d like just once to be recognized for the breakthroughs we as a radio media company have made in the industry, I’d like to once see a local newspaper (not ours) Do a story, on not only the radio gig, but the organization that fuels it, for the contributions we as an organization has made to western Idaho, Northern Utah and Southwestern Wyoming. B4 us, nobody did NASCAR Cup races on air, at least on radio. Nobody played local artists, which is why someone looks to a on-air stream over the internet, to hear what is not currently pop, nationally. But who did it here first? KTOW FM and Dixie Diesel Radio of Hagerman Idaho, that’s who. Who ever thought of broadcasting local plays or creating radio theater these days? We did and do.
With it all , there sadly has been loses. First the biggest one is Nurse GoodBody Ellie May, the hours she and I were in studio were precious. The gig ended long b4 it should have. Some day I pray God above will move her to getting back in the studio with me, and getting her on air. Likewise our own local sexpert Emme. Of course there have been adjustments but I am slowly crawling out , with acquiring KBAR AM 1230, here in Mini Cassia Idaho, and just waiting for FCC approval on station ownership to change, from who used to own it and us who do now, gives me that light from above. Remember God never gives anyone anything he doesn’t expect them to use, or blessings that he doesn’t expect them to act on. Both KDXB AM 1230 (as KBAR WILL BE CALLED) as well as KDXB FM 105.3 will be the voice of today’s Confederates , and Confederacy. More over the voice of the interstate.
But any time your the one that is a pioneer , be prepped to get hammered by those that can’t see the future only the present.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the day:
It is bad luck to be superstitious. - Andrew W. Mathis
John 15:5,8““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
From the Cockpit of AyreWolf 2
In one of Clint Eastwoods ‘s movies he said, “ A man has got to know his limitations. Where I’m at , its more like , “ A man has to know the limitations of where your at”. Considering that in a half dozen ads in such publications as The Voice, or even Sooper Ads, there are always ads for models of some sort. 90% of those ads results in somebody usually a parent , raking out hundreds if not thousands of dollars, for modeling schools or to be represented by an agency. With no guarantee of any work.
In our case, this is after all , rural Idaho, and just because I found a super gal to be a model talent once here, does not mean that lightning is going to strike twice or thrice. While Twin Falls has grown like a field of marijuana and an agency here is warranted still no one has taken it on themselves to set one up, I would, but this kind of thing , like it or not , is best done by a woman.
While in the big cities, sure there are mega agencies ran by males, But not here.
Sure, finding honeys for rodeo queen contests, or even Miss what ever contests as long as some big city agency is sponsoring it, is no problem. But a lonely toewing service , looking to hire someone local to enhance an older toew truck, for a few newsrag ads or TV spots, might as well forget it. Ain’t gonna happen.
Which brings up two things here, one, if one, just one local somebody in office here gripes that we did not hire local, I’m going to punch em. Hey we tried. We as a club, me as a business owner can’t help it if so many here are so spooked of tweaking off the local Mormon population, thus wont even show for a interview. Second : it means less in that newspapers or TV stations pocket , since I have to go to Salt Lake City or elsewhere and spend twice the money, just to have to fly someone in , shoot the ad , then place it. But then it’s like I said, this is rural Idaho, and like even some parts of Utah, most gals worth casting are so paranoid of going to a shop to interview for a models job. Yet 70% of the same gals, would go to a bar or other to be interviewed for a rock video , by a rock band. Does boggle the mind, don’t it?
Again we live in rural Idaho, and oh by the way , not all rural places are this paranoid, for those in the club, remember Tooele Utah? Talent found, shot on film and video , paid except one that had a shitty attitude, everything edited, and on TV. Bada Bing.
Some days I get to thinking that the LDS church moved, from Utah to Idaho and elsewhere. I ask one simple question , if it can be done in Utah , even Tooele, why not Idaho? Ustacould.
See ya’ll next week
John 15:5,8““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
From the Cockpit of the AyreWolf
Welcome to the sky of the AyreWolf. Likewize welcome to AmeriMexico. That’s right AmeriMexico. While it used to be that us Caucasians used to be the majority, Caucasians, are more like the minority. If your Hispanic you get more privileges and opportunity than if your a white single Confederate male. I’ll guarantee it.
Just makes ya’ll want for the days of Hazzard , don’t it?
The Emergency Alert System or EAS always has that thing that crawls over the test, that says, this is only a test.
For us here at AyreWolf Aviation/CooTer’s-A1 Toewing, of Mini Cassia Idaho, took out an ad to see if we could find some sweet honeys to help give some spice to our future ads in The Voice a local small newspaper here in our area. The model ad is also a test, since if only a few if any responded to the ad, ya’ll know the paper is read, and why not? The paper is given out free. Although from prior experience free newsrags are read, provided that free newsrag has something to get people to read it. Example? Monkey Bizzness that became the Hazzard Gazzette/HazzardAyre News.
If in the other lane, hardly anyone responds, then ya’ll know the paper is not read, and thus much of the money we planed on spending on advertising would be better spent elsewhere. Its not The Voice’s fault after all they do the best they can with what they have. On the flip side , if The Voice would put HazzardAyre in their paper, I’ll guarantee people would read it, and more would advertise. The reason they don’t , and its the same song I used to get from model talent in Utah, can’t do anything racy since if we do, we get the Mormons pissed at us, and no model work from Deseret Productions. Same here, lets not piss off the LDS people here since its LDS people that control the purse strings here.
Folks may not all agree with what we say and write in HazzardAyre, But they do read it, if for no other reason than to see what we’re going to write or say next.
Oh you may wonder why I’m doing newspaper ads, reason; my counterpart and good friend Charley at A1 in Twin is doing ads in the Sooper Ads. He says Sooper ads is generating some good money for him. So we, rather I am following suit. Only thing is; I want my ads to have some spice rather than being generic like so many are. We started with the Voice and that went flat. So why any other, since
we do up both HazzardAyre as well as HellBilly Trucker.
I wont further this discussion any more, since its just an example of a stubborn mule headed attitude in a community that is crying for change, and yet seems muddled in the quagmire of oops don’t do it. Might upset the major religious body here. Yet if allowed could produce things beyond the treasures of Egypt.
Will Idaho or even Mini Cassia Idaho ever be Utah? Or equal Utah’s prosperity? No, not in the current posture. Although I can imagine the day and time my Dad and some Air-Force friend stood in a field just west of me here, and planning what eventually was called the Ponderosa Inn here. I bet there were people here that said no to them as well.
See ya’ll next week.
Quote of the day:
Nobody can be exactly like me. Sometimes even I have trouble doing it. - Tallulah Bankhead
John 15:5,8““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
08 December 2011
Another Mirage in the Mountains
Its been nearly 12 months since the big snow storms of 2010. During the first 2 months of October and November 2010, when we at A1 Towing of Twin Falls got 12 or more calls a day from the Mini Cassia area for snow created driving incidents from slide offs to getting stuck up Sweetzer Summit, there started a mind thought of 4 of us at A1, to set up a brother operation in the Mini Cassia area of Idaho. With my own firm , Dixie Toewing leading the way.
So search started for a shop and impound yard in the area. One was located in Rupert, but was way to expensive, unless shared with someone else. A Taxi cab company was interested, but when put to the test bowed out. Due to inability to pay. I found another shop but no impound area. I had already committed to the move and had gave notice to my landlord in Buhl, so I had to move. By July 1st 2011 I found a place to live but with limited resources had to put off the shop for a time. So I moved.
SAMCRO MC had already determined that the area was good logistically for the Idaho Charter’s HQ, Hazzard County Knytes.
Both SAMCRO’s resources and mine combined things looked promising. An announcement was sent to one of the local newspapers, but they were not interested in publishing anything about or to do with a bikers club,new radio station nor super toew service. So we went to an alternate plan and began HazzardAyre Gazzette, that included HellBilly Trucker here. The latter half of August 2011 after living between two dysfunctional MexiCali families I found what I thought was a good answer to the problem. So I moved. Upon living in the tin can and enduring living on top of little better than the covering of a cat’s litter box and having to breathe the odors of cat dung, finally I found the house that I found in 2006 when I arrived in Idaho after a long time away, that in all retrospect, should have been me not moving back to Idaho.
Idaho is a contrast in ideals. While Idaho Falls , Boise and in some ways Twin Falls has made strides in growth, the rest of the state is still moving at a pace that resembles a wagon drawn by a mule. In Idaho there is the idea of business and industrial growth, but in reality, there is 3 people to every 5, that want Idaho to remain rural, and agricultural, not advancing to technology or creative growth. Consider the public outcry towards not building a larger area Airport. That not only would enable aviation firms like ours to operate here , but others to come in and even small commuter airlines to use the place. Add a restaurant, lounge, and aviation support to the picture and you create needed jobs. But nope, most here feel that its overkill, more over not in their front or back yard.
The Mini Cassia area could be a real diamond in the ruff for Idaho. Situated within small distances to both Salt Lake City, as well as the west, logistics and gains in commerce could evolve.
Just within a few blocks from me on 21st street here in Heyburn, sits what used to be the Burley Mall, aka Snake River Plaza. This past fall a joint effort was launched to buy the aging facility and breathe new life into it. Calls were made, but nothing followed through. Seems as though the people in NYC who own it, feel its better to let it go as a tax write off than put it into operation. Only because outsiders see the Mini Cassia area as only a farm community rather than a commerce or industrial community. In essence a looser rather than the winner it could be.
If you go to the areas Chamber-of-Commerce, the feeling is upbeat but helpful to a prospective member? No. Give a new media company some help in finding on camera talent for ads, and fuel the area so the media company could promote the idea of filming a TV series pilot movie here, and you get the strangest looks.
If you say that can’t happen here, think again.
A smaller community, called Preston Idaho, was the center of a indy movie called Napoleon Dynamite, which will begin running a animated series on FoX, all with backgrounds from and of Preston, Idaho.
If one was to do up a indy film fueled by some of the former cast members of the Dukes-of-Hazzard, along with us in the Hazzard Knytes and HazzardAyre Media, you put a super hit project based on the former TV show the Dukes of Hazzard and base all production here in Mini Cassia, you also create jobs. Not only actors and production jobs, but eating establishments, fuel stops, motels and others gain business that translates into jobs. But can one get the eye brow raised, from local business leaders to help? Answer: NO.
In the Mini Cassia area of Idaho where I am, if you talk to the youth you hear the want of growth. If you talk to the older folks here you hear a good yeppers to growth , under the sheets they would just asoon have ya’ll pass it on by. Kinda like the greater Mountain Home area of Idaho. Chambers of Commerce say yes to growth and new enterprises by mouth, in real life its no but hell no, we like our small town rural area. Leave it alone.
There are those like SAMCRO that includes the team here at CooTer’s Toewing, that are trying to advance the area, but are faced with obstacles. Like not being Hispanic, not favoring LDS ideals. Because the club and I are not walking around with a B-of-M and thumping a bible,we here at SAMCRO MC are hindered rather than having a bit of breathing room to reach our goals to get where we would like to be, that would be good for the region.
So, why try? Here’s an example. One night, was at McDonalds here, and a lady was in dire need of a tow truck. After overhearing her needs I suggested our company three times, but she wanted to let her fingers do the walking through the Yellow Pages. Did she not see our newspaper ad? Guess not. After calling all area tow services the lady did call for our company, but the lack of knowledge that we were here. So a thought to get something a bit more aggressive in the two local newspapers here with advertising, thought, lets try putting a gal, posing with the trucks, in front of our shop, and put that in the papers here, run a short commercial run on TV, see if that helps, so I put an ad in one paper for female model talent, after only 4 calls, one being from a lady of two daughters, that never really took it as serious as it is, I gave the boot to the condition situation. The project will have to be farmed out to some outfit in Utah, since the creative minds in Mini Cassia , just are not here.
Then came one Sunday evening mid October 2011, wanted to go get a sit down other than burger meal, and found one in Burley, JB’s, what a shame. All the rest are closed so that the owners and employees, can go to church, etc. Really? Your only choice is going all the way to Twin Falls. Time for the Reaper Club, to get in gear here.
In closing, if your looking at Idaho be LDS, Hispanic, or direct the energy to a business that supports agriculture, or forget anything as far as location between American Falls and Boise, cause it will not happen here.
SAMCRO is not yet moving our Idaho Charter HQ east of here, but we are looking to , since, what is needed here, at least for SAMCRO MC is not here, YET. Like everything else SAMCRO will create it here.
SAMCRO does not retreat or spook at a challenge.
L8R Ya’ll
Toew Traxx 2 One Cannot Serve Two Masters
The Bible teaches us that one cannot serve two masters.
In my case I have been trying to serve 5 when I should be serving only two .
From the hour I gained ownership of LexiBelle in 1978, to now , I have been to often doing all of those things to support what LexiBelle represents, rather than serving and supporting LexiBelle, and putting green in my jeans and LexiBelle looks all the worst for it.
Giving service to SAMCRO, or any of SAMCRO’s subsidiaries, or the UAITA, the reason I got into those others was and remains , to enhance LexiBelle ad/or Dixie Toewing. But as I said one can’t serve more than one master . I have allowed time to warp past me to the point, I need to consider, do I stay in the business? Or do I just restore, LexiBelle, for my own needs and such, and fly for AyreWolf Aviation and forget about going toewing as a profession and/or vocation?
There was once a time, on America’s highways, where just a toew truck, was all that was needed. Cars, light trucks and such, were made of steel. You could toew most of them if not all of them with what we call a sling, and or a combination of sling and dollies, and be good. Rollbacks, Carriers, etc were not heard of, if used at all. Wheel-lifts were not even considered.
Then came the age of the gas crunches, vehicle manufacturers were making cars etc out of composite materials, not all steel, added to that all wheel drives etc. So toew equipment manufactures started making rigs that could haul, not just snag and grab . Today if your in toewing, you just about need a rollback. While not yet required in Idaho or Utah’s equipment regulations, they soon will be. Yes many rides can still be snagged and dragged the old fashion way, without damage or at least further damage than they already have after a wreck. But all too many will bend up like a pretzel if you grab with a sling.
The first time I ever really saw a wheel-lift was in Mountain Home Idaho. A company there had a newer rig with what was called a Cradle Snatcher. Made by a company called Vulcan. The Cradle Snatcher was made with a T bar attached to a short boom at the top, two elastic belts on each side with a webbing at the bottom that cradled the car etc, for toewing. For those in the know that design went out of style, when Century a cousin to Holmes, that is now owned by Miller Industries, started building a lower approach or as we in toewing call it, lower attack posture units.
Of course over the years the flat bed came into popularity. Later better designs, and so on, to where flatbeds became Rollbacks, that now is called Carriers. Even so a bar style wheel lift or stinger is on most carriers.
For me, if I’m going to stay in toewing for a real operation, to generate money for myself, I have not just desire, but have to invest in a good used carrier. Likewise invest and retro fit LexiBelle with a stinger or wheel lift.
The concept scares the crap out of me. But its not a challenge I can’t handle. Just more expense.
The old boy that sold me LexiBelle back in 1978, said he could see me in the 21st Century, dragging the space shuttle around in space with a starship and a Holmes 500.
Of course in reality, the space shuttle, and the Holmes 500, are now defunct. Operator Certification is now required of anyone wanting on law enforcement call out(rotation) lists in all states except Idaho.
The days of rolling up to someone on the big road after they slid off the highway during a snow storm etc are gone. Likewise patrolling the super slab looking for breakdowns or slide offs is not only frowned on by law enforcement and other toewers, but illegal . Yet many still do it. Even in Idaho. The term used in the business is scaving, Short for scavenging.
So with that in mind and the ever increasing changes in the business of toewing, if your in it, you have to be in it. Not casually but jump in with not only both feet, but your whole body, mind and yes soul.
If not, its best to graciously bow out, and go do something else.
For me, I plan on going toewing for a long time to come, so much of what I do for SAMCRO, including both the Knytes as well as the AyreWolvez will be less than it used to be.
Like I said , One Cannot Serve Two Masters.
L8R Ya’ll
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